Mission Statements, Say Them Like You Mean Them


This was a speech given at toastmasters.

We provide a supportive and positive experience. Communication and leadership skills for greater self- confidence and personal growth.
What is a mission statement? It expresses the desire and intents of members.
Layout long and short term goals and objectives. Goals for here are greater self-confidence and personal growth.
Help us learn and memorize the mission statement.
Say it like you mean it.
When you read it, it is boring.
Learn something by singing. She learned the scout motto by song.
How do you get information into your brain? Hippocampus and cortex.
Getting in is really easy. Getting it out is harder. Rodinger specializes in this.
Rhythm and rhyme that help us remember it.
Today we’re going to rap our mission statement. Emphasis on first and 3rd beat. You can say it however you want.
Challenge to you is take agenda home and practice rapping/singing agenda. Practice when you have free time. Say it until it is nice and smooth. Say it like you mean it.
Memorizing mission statement will make all the difference.
Reasons for her coming to Toastmasters are for greater self-confidence and personal growth. What are your reasons?

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About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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