Establishing your brand:


From a lecture, I attended at Life the Universe and Everything in 2017

  • It’s a lot easier for someone else to talk about you than you about yourself. It’s called influence. Please don’t post me and post people at Walmart web site.
  • You cannot have a comeback kid without a fall
  • What is your self-image: is shown by actions. A brand always communicates who you are and will even precede you.
  • All publicity is good publicity
  • Own your label.
  • When are you pitching> It begins the moment you walk into the room.
  • To create a brand around your story it should be a one-liner.
  • Draw from your commitment –reach out with your commitment to make a cause in the world.
  • When you develop a one-liner of your life, it helps you define what your content is. You are creating content marketing. Sharing content on a specific topic.
  • All pitch ad social post to be consistent with your brand.
  • Pitch story that ends with a cliffhanger. Hook, main setting, conflict, and a cliffhanger
  • The main character is you. Want to share what you are and what it about.
  • Why are you the one to write this book?
  • How do you present yourself? Clothes will make the man. The headshot needs to be you. It needs to be of you that you’re smiling. You connecting with others.
  • Conflicts: what shows you as the person to be qualified to tell our story.
  • What makes you different on a resume?
  • If you’re writing a book about bullying then connect with groups on anti-bullying.
  • Own your greatness.
  • Leave them with a cliffhanger.
  • You are always pitching? Someone may ask what you do. Write a book. I write about kids who have adventures.
  • Exercise when you go home write down the different things you’ve done’ that family will say you are proud of. Then condense it into the size of a post-it note.
  • When someone sees your first page do they know what you are about?
  • Content marketing is what you are about.
  • Keep your private life private.
  • Your public persona needs to be as non-divisive as possible.
  • Influence marketing: is teaming up with other people. If one of your writers has a great blog and they have content that you love then ask them to write a guest post for hour blog. Team up with other people. Find people of influence. Ask them how can I help you.
  • Josh Rossi reenacted with Beauty and the beast. One example is she contacts a Facebook creator of top 50 mailing lists and asked how can I support you? I’m writing a book? And in turn, he asks what can I do for you?
  • As an author social media is not enough. You need a website. When you get people off social media onto your website you are center stage. And your content can keep people interested in you.
  • The stage you play on makes a difference.
  • Business cards. You leave your info and you ask them of their contact info. If they don’t have a card, ask them for their contact info. Treat your contact info with meaningful contact about things they would be interested in. They may know someone movie producer.
  • Connect with people by putting at bottom of a Facebook page I am interested in meeting with xxx. Your network is gold.
  • It’s not about vanity it’s about connecting.
  • Underneath every undesirable person that had an event in their life that create a negative outer shell.

Do you have any additional ideas on how to catch a liar or how to read body language? If so, please feel free to share.

About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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