How to Sleep Better


My company sent an article on how to sleep better from my employer combined with Community services Health ‘Care Bulletin. Here are some of my notes.

1. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time.
2. do things that calm you such as reading, quiet music, mediation.
3. show and get dress every day (and weekends)
4. Reserve time for breaks.
5. Eat meals at the same time of day.
6. If you take a nap do it only for 10-20 minutes.
7. Exercise. It can reduce stress and keep your body in rhythm to help sleep. Avoid dong it before bed.
8. Avoid taking in caffeine at night.
9. Reduce your time on social media. There are tools you can use to monitor the time you use media.
10. go outside to get natural light and fresh air.
11. Limit the time you watch and read the news.

Creating Your Ideal Sleep Environment:
1. Keep heavy curtains to eliminate outside light.
2. Reduce lighting an hour before sleep.
3. Keep your sleep area cool.
4. use low wattage bulbs in table lamps.
5. Try to avoid using electronic devices an hour before sleep.
6. Keep your room quiet of outside noises.
7. Make sure your bed is comfortable.
8. Reserve your bedroom for sleeping.

Facts about sleep:
1. the average adult sleeps 7-9 hours a night.
2. People with less sleep tend to eat more.
3. Humans are the only species who intentionally delay sleep
4. Pain tolerance is reduced with less sleep.
5. the average person has 4-6 dreams a night.
6. It should take 10-20 min. to fall asleep. If it takes less, you are sleep-deprived.

About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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