Bring It to Life


This was a webinar from the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival, using creative drama and audience participation to bring a story to life.
By Toni Simmons

We’ll learn why to use creative drama.
A story is about the tree and fruit.
What kind of action from the audience, song, gestures, audience chooses the actions of the teller.
People remember the story better if they actively part5icpate in the story.
Creative dramatics is a type of drama in which actors and use and person with improvised dialog and action. In storytelling guides the audience and the tellers tell a story arc the audience learns if dramatic possibilities by the listener participating in the story they can personalize it to their lives.

A storyteller has to have good facial expressions. but itis not just your face your whole body need to illustrate the same mood.
What would your face and today show you are happy?
How are you acting when sad? Now freeze.
Show a face and body as if you were scared.
How does a friendly person move? Elbows, body, hands.
How do you move when you are angry?

Got to act some horsy rhymes.
First, if Jack and Jill. Which character are you going to act out?
Rhyming that is repeated in song, can get kids to feel comfortable in participating through those repeats.
If a child feels hesitant about par5icpating may have another kid help also being a lion.

Steps in planning you have to be familiar with the story. You need to know it well enough to transfer for all the twists and turns. Look fora dramatic possibility for different actions.
What behavior can be brought out?
What activity can be brought out?
Break the outcome up with an idea.
She will tell the three-bill grout gruff.

Book: Shake It Up.
Book: come and buy for my sales
Kids like singing. Adults also like to sing along.
You need to assess your audience to see if they are willing to do the next step if they feel reluctant. If you see someone excited, you might want to single one person out.
Book called, Story is a good resource.

About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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