Toastmasters’ Six moments of truth


Here are some notes from some toastmaster’s training.

First impressions.
Sargent of arms should greet. If not the members could alternate officers to greet visitors.
Have name tags.
Have a professional layout. Maybe change the layout for variety.

Successful club series> speeches to help improve the club.
Membership orientation after a member signed up. Are they giving a plan to follow
Most clubs do a vote to accept new members.
Repeat the toast master’s mission statement.
When you’re a new member and have them repeat the toast master’s promise. Then club vote them in.
Assignment of a mentor. You can do books and pathways at the same time.
June 2020 to finish books.
Keep track of who is doing what or what level they are at.
Learning needs to be assessed. What are member goals?
Some use google docs to sign up speeches. Some have sign-up sheets.
Members assigned to all different activities.
Some club has certain people doing all the work.

Fellowship, variety, and communication.
Enjoyable and educational meetings. Some group uses easy speak. Be consistent
Regularly scheduled social events.
Members participate in other higher club events.
Have additional social event summer picknick holiday party. Have new members stand up and discuss their feelings of meeting
Have mentors
Have good publicity that takes a picture of a group

Program planning and meeting organization.
People to showing up: always have a pocket speech to fill the spot.
Some members don’t participate mentor could reach out to get them on agenda 4 weeks in the future so they can prepare.
Table topics have it humorous and fun gets wheels greased
Remember sandwich techniques on review. Good encouragement to and with recommendations for improvement.
Membership strength. Having problems keeping track. Or stagnate growth.
Good energy. The structure was solid.
The club is friendly, people feel welcome.
Don’t pressure for paying memberships fees the first time of a visitor.
Have an open house. Bring a guest speaker.

Achievement recognitions.
Standards are to be made aware of the applicant immediately. Progress charts checked and maintained.
Newsletter and Facebook page recognitions can be presented.
Assigning a role to help people enter their progress. Maybe do it each meeting night after the meeting.

Have something to add? If so please provide feedback in the comment section of this blog.

About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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