Concerns of the Article V Convention


I had permission to share the contents of this email from Liberty Forum.


What is an Article V Convention?   The fifth article (Article V) of the US Constitution states, “The Congress, whenever two-thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two-thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments…”  As you can see from Article V, the states apply, but Congress calls the Convention. According to the Congressional Research Services (CRS), Congress would also be in charge and would set the rules regarding delegate selection, etc.

Do we need a Convention?  It is obvious that something is very wrong in our nation. The government grows larger every year, politicians look after their own interests rather than protecting the rights of the people, the national debt is out of control, etc.  Proponents of an Article V Convention say that the ONLY way to fix the problems we face is to change the Constitution.  They maintain that the Constitution is defective and needs to be amended.  The fact is: the Constitution is not defective.  The problem is that the Constitution is NOT being followed!  Why would we think that those who do not follow the Constitution now would follow an amended Constitution? An Article V Convention would grant a mere handful of legislators from around the country almost unlimited power to propose amendments that could fundamentally change our Divinely Inspired Constitution.

What did Justin Antonin Scalia say about an Article V Convention? In 2014 Justice Scalia said, “A constitutional convention is a horrible idea.  This is not a good century to write a constitution.” Then in 2015 he said, “I certainly wouldn’t want a constitutional convention. Whoa! Who knows what would come out of it.”

What does Senator Mike Lee say about an Article V Convention? Speaking against an Article V Convention Senator Lee said, “I don’t look upon today’s leaders in the same way I look upon George Washington and James Madison… I don’t think we’re there yet.”

What changes to the Constitution do Convention of States (COS) advocates and other Article V supporters want? Their proposed legislation asking Congress to call a convention states, “The Legislature of the state of Utah hereby applies to Congress, under the provisions of Article V of the Constitution of the United States, for the calling of a convention of the states limited to proposing amendments to the Constitution of the United States that impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limit the terms of office for its officials and for members of Congress.”

  • The Constitution already imposes fiscal restraints on the federal government (Article I Section 8.)
  • The Constitution already limits the power and jurisdiction of the federal government (Article I Section 8.)
  • The Constitution already limits the terns of the elected officials via the election process.

Michael Farris co-founder of COS said if he was elected as a delegate to the Article V Convention he “will propose reconfiguring the Supreme Court after the model of the European Court of Human rights…We should expand the Supreme Court to 50 justices and have the states appoint the justices for a specific term…” This is just one example of the many ideas for amendments that fall under these three very broad categories.

In the 230 years since the Constitution was ratified, 27 amendments, including the Bill of rights, have been ratified. That many, and more, could be passed in just one Article V Convention.

Unfortunately, some well-meaning Americans have been misled and are joining with COS and other convention advocates who discount the tremendous risks of a convention and neglect the genuine solutions. However, once all the facts are known, the wisdom of following the Constitution and not changing it becomes apparent.

The Constitution is the blueprint for the most benevolent, prosperous, powerful and free society to ever exist on earth.  Everything necessary to guarantee the preservation and prosperity of this nation is in that sacred document.

We invite you to stand strong with other Utahns in defending the Constitution. Please find out where candidates stand on this issue and support those who oppose an Article V Convention.

Coalition Team Members

Gayle Ruzicka

Lowell Nelson

Sharon Anderson


To see a list of member organizations please visit our website. 

Additional information on this issue can be found on our resource page.

About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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