Sf on campus:  


Barbara Hume moderator; Marian K smith; Sue ream; Beatty pop; brook west.

This is from a very old cassette tape of an old symposium. It is old information but it’s still relevant today. I particularly enjoyed hearing the voices of these professors / librarians because they were such a positive influence of a growing atmosphere of sf/f on BYU campus.

  • Teaching sf can help someone encounter ideas they have never encountered  before otherwise
  • Many of us are not self-motivated to learn by ourselves. Teacher can help facility learning. They can help provide understanding that the student may need.
  • Classrooms let fellow fans to gather together and gives n opportunity to discuss/debate new
  • What other literature has its own fanzines?
  • Colleges/Universities let librarians get more books if there are sf/f when taught on campus
  • Techers will want to watch for doing analysis too far
  • A teacher putting their opinion on a piece for work can take away the reasoning ability of the student to make the judgment themselves. Students may then respond in a manner to please the teacher rather than putting their won’t analysis on something that may deviate from the teacher’s opinion.
  • Good literature bears rereading and makes you come up with new ideas and widen your horizon
  • Sf provides a wide range of concepts. Mainstream is a tangent of sf
  • Books of the genera: Left hand of darkness; Childhood’s end; Is island by Wright; Utopia; Arcadia; Friday by Heinlein; Arabian nights could be considered a form of SF;  HG Wells
  • Be careful that the taste of the teacher does not dominate a class.Every sf writer needs to realize that a reader is not required to finish their work if they don’t engage them.
  • Authors provide meaning such as Harlan Ellison.
  • A sf writer is unique because they have to meet the critical standard of the reader. They need to convince the reader to buy their book instead of a 6 pack of beer. If books don’t get read they don’t sell.
  • To attack an audience: tell a big story;
  • Scott card: fiction should be experienced
  • Books that affected you: elder ride by burrow; Zena Henderson, people series;  Heinlein;
  • Students need to learn good things and bad things and the difference between them.
  • Reading sf is an escape from reality.
  • Much in literature is fatalistic – sf can show you’re more optimistic and you can control your life.
  • Student perspective of how they should be evaluated for sf = here are some of the best examples. Classes that has directed reading.
  • A class can provide Self direction such a finding themes in books such as 1.what are woman’s place, 2. woman protagonist and 3. woman authors and teacher grade of what the student learns.
  • Class gives a list of books if student wants to read something else the student needs to justify what their book selection is better.
  • Another idea is to give the class 10 books as a cross section to provide a wide range of types of books to read.
  • Teacher: create a cafeteria type of list of books and then let the student choose what they want to read.
  • A dean who is apathetic about the value of SF/F in the classroom can handicap the teacher.

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