CERT 6 D, CERT Organization:


These are a continuation of my notes for Cert training on the topic of Cert organization.


  • Scribes need to be assigned to everyone.
  • Everything needs be documented from ascribe to the incident commander to one of the pairs of search and rescue documenting the search.
  • They can ensure that safety is maintained during all tasks
  • They ensure more effective medication
  • They lessen duplicate efforts
  • The document possible reimbursements
  • The document possible liability issues
  • Provide accurate reports when professionals arrive
  • If you do medical treatment May copies of your notes before a deliver them to the person above you. Some people will use their smart phone and take a picture
  • You can document how many volunteer hours are provided to sponsoring agency.
  • Liability exposure will be documented.
  • Communication will be improved between functional areas and between shifts.
  • Section she is responsible for providing command post ongoing information about damage assessment, group status and ongoing needs.
  • Command post is responsible for documenting is the locations, Access routes, identified hazards, and support locations. Support locations include a staging area, medical treatment in triage area and the more.

Documentation forms: There are eight. The used to pursue a documentation and information flow. Electronic copies check out the site: http://www.cert-la.com/forms/All-Forms-2011.pdf

  • Damage assessment: the by CERT members of the travel through the area staging location; provides a summary of overall hazards in selected areas including fires, utility hazards, structural damage, injuries and casualties as well as available access.
  • Personnel resource sign in: used to sign in CERT members of their rights the staging location. Tells whose is on-site, when they arrived, where they were assigned and special skills.
  • Incident – assignment tracking log: is that a command post for keeping abreast of situation status and tracking the overall situation.
  • Briefing assignment: is my command post providing instructions to functional teams. Used by teams to log her actions and report new damage assessment information.
  • Victim treatment area record: completed by medical treatment area personnel record victims.
  • Communications log: completed by the radio operator; used to log incoming and outgoing transmissions.
  • Equipment inventory: used to check out and check in CERT managed equipment
  • General message: Used for sending messages between command levels and groups. Messages should be clear and concise and should focus on such key issues as assignment completion, additional resources required, special information and status updates.

Documentation flow: 

  • Damage assessment form is completed by CERT members as a travel to the area. This form is given to the CERT IC. It’s a summary of overall hazards in selected areas.
  • CERT IC assembles teams and makes assessments based on the damage assessment information. The IC keeps incident assignment tracking log to record activities of functioning teams and situation status.
  • Ascribe at the staging location signs in these volunteer using the personal resource finding one and noting a particular skill.
  • Briefing assignment form is shared by the command post and the functional team. The front is used to communicate instructions about an incident such as address this type and team’s objectives. Scribe uses the backside to log team activities.
  • Victim treatment area record is used to document each person brought into the treatment area and his or her condition. (Immediate, delayed or minor).
  • Medications log is used to log incoming outgoing transmissions by radio operator. Equipment inventory is kept in the area or vehicle in which equipment is stored.
  • General message is used for same messages between any command levels and groups. Messages must be clear and concise.
  • Area maps, site maps and building plans also very useful for tracking response activities.
  • Information is recorded even if you don’t have the correct paperwork do you. This is why it’s important for members to have a small notebook in a pen in one’s personal kit.

Incident scenario: we went through what if scenario of an earthquake in the city and reports came in a different problems throughout ranging from flooding, fires, crumbled houses and damaged citizens.

  • On a traveling form, maybe put an asterisk by items that need to be prioritized.
  • It’s good to have a big map so that you can structure what instances need to be prioritized.
  • Trama log: document the location of each patient being treated. Always keep a victim’s belongings posted them. If a patient leaves the triage area document where the going and why in case family members come asking later.
  • Ham radio personnel: write down all messages. Send a message and always keep a copy of what has been said. Some people will purchase a carbon copy booklet will have messages.
  • A good thing to purchase is universal duct tape and a pocket knife so that you can type messages up. Good sources AutoZone. A light stick is a good for kids and gives them confident night when it’s dark.
  • Green tape – reflects a better on a door. It’s a painter’s tape. Keep a sharpie and caution tape. Other resources are hand wipes. And a field guide
  • Need local school floor plans is also important to have a good map of the city. Also good to have an area map of your neighborhood


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