Steps to get your bike road ready:


Here are some things to look for, when getting your bike ready for the road.

– Clean your bike. Certain parts of the bike can’t be cleaned too thoroughly (like chain or chain ring need to keep lubricant) A microfiber towel and a nonabrasive cleaner. For lubrication grease may be better than oil as it usually last longer. Apply to all moving parts but avoid rims and brake pads. When lubricating the chain do so while slowly turning the pedals to get an even layer.
– Break: make sure they work. Grip right break rock your the bike forward and backward. If you hear a knocking it may need to be tightened Inspect your breaks. See if your pads are wearing evenly. Levers: both front and back need to be check. Cables: if cables are loose, you will need to tighten them from lever to brake.
– Tire pressure should be written somewhere on the tire and a tire gage can tell you if it matches. Let it sit to see if there are any leaks. Tires should be replaced regularly. Look for rubbing against the bike. See if they’re allied/straight. You can do this by resting the bike upside down to rest on the seat and handle bars. Turn the wheels while standing behind the back wheel. See if they spin straight. You can also check for loose spokes and you can see if the wheel is warped. Check your tires: by rubbing your finger along the tire, you can feel any cracking or splitting. Check the spokes for equal tension and not loose.
– Check the drive train. You can do this while your bike is still upside down from chain to wheels. Test each of the gears as your turn the peddle. While you’re doing that you can check for any missing teeth on the chain. Check for dents on the rim. Check bolts and feel for loose parts.
– Check your cables. Look for dirt plus wear and tear. If you see wear and tear or they are loose, you may need them to be replaced by a bike professional. Listen for any unusual noises.

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