National Stress Awareness



My employer has a wellness program where they give advice for better health. These are notes from the email and the videos. Any misinformation is the fault of the notetaker.


“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.”- Marcel Proust

Where Do you Hold your Stress? Get Quick Relief!

  1. Do a body scan to zone in on which part of your body is uncomfortable or tense.
  2. Jenny Lu says: stand tall with your feet apart to align with your hips.
  3. Relax your arms and take a couple of breaths to relax.
  4. Close your eyes if it is safe to do so. scan your body for problem areas.
  5. Take note throughout the day and do quick check-ins to see if you’re tense anywhere.
  6. Consider when discomfort appears. is it before a meeting or when you’re nervous?
  7. if you have ongoing pain, consult your doctor.

Tension headaches: Jenny Lu says: Tension headaches are the most common headaches. It can be caused by worry, overthinking, or if you have been on video calls all day and have been scrunching your eyebrows that can trigger them. How to address headaches. Gently massage or tap the areas where you feel the pain.

Jaw pain: Jenny Lu says: If you are having a stressful moment at work. see if your jaw is tense. These are ways to address jaw pain. Open and close your mouth a few times. (side). next:  lower your jaw and move the bottom jaw from side to side.

Stress and anxiety can cause people to clench their jaw. This can cause jaw pain and headaches.

Shoulder and neck pain: Jenny Lu says: shoulder and neck pain can be caused by poor posture and long hours sitting at your desk or in a car, or looking at a screen. How to address this pain. Try a shoulder roll. You do this by breathing and drawing your shoulders up to your ears. Then relax the shoulders and you breathe out. You can do this several times a dy.

Hip and lower back pain: Jenny Lu says: Doing a lot of driving or sitting at a desk can cause this type of pain. or you might be doing a lot of standing for your job or lifting and moving things. How to fix. Sit on a sturdy chair. lift one leg up so your ankle is on the knee of the other leg. Press your palms and raised knee and ancle. Breath in. Slowly move forward as you breathe out. As you lean forward you should feel a tension in your bent leg. hold that position for 10 to 15 seconds. Then do the other leg. Do this technique as needed.

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