


My employer offers webinars on different topics. This is one is about goals.  Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker


  • Create a goal that is the right size. Makes you stretch and then track your progress.
  • If you are not tracking your progress, you deny yourself the feeling of success at getting near your goal.
  • If you look at the steps for retirement and feel daunting. You concentrate on other goals that can also contribute to your positive retirement.
  • By lessening expenses, take care of other retirement goals.
  • How to prepare for unexpected roadblocks? Some can be planned for.
  1. plan out what to expect and how to prepare.
  • Cut down on credit card debt. You need to figure out how much to pay each month.
  • Which debt will be given priority? (Melva> cat down the height % debt first)
  • Set a goal that is easy for you. It must be realistic.
  • What are some ideas to use your money in a good way?
  1. using benefits offered by her employer.
  2. she forgot about an annual fee she gets from a credit card she is not using. Stop the card.
  3. she will automat bills because sometimes she will forget and get a late charge. What other things can be automated?
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