Covenant Power


These are notes from church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.


  • We will have challenges in our lives. Have a father has given us covenants to bless his children.
  • Covenants marked the path and keep us safe, but they make it possible to ensure our most difficult journey.
  • The decision we make to love and obey him and to love his children will bring extra power to our lives.
  • Do we truly appreciate our opportunity to do covenants including the work for the dead those on the other side or waiting for the work?
  • Do we see covenants as God’s love for us or do we see them as restrictive keeping covenants helps us feel love for others including those on the other side of the veil waiting for their work to be done heavenly father worked with us. We may feel our progress is slow wondering if we are making progress.
  • 2 Nephi 28:30 will give line upon line
  • Our heavenly father is concerned about our direction and a potential.
  • Elderly will be incremental as we tried to overcome hard things.
  • Present Nelson: overcome the world is not an event in the video to. It takes a lifetime. We repent daily and keep covenants that give us power.
  • What can we do to access covenant power: repenting, forgiving, BN more diligent in Scripture study? Magnify our calling and help lawmakers.
  • Keeping the covenants requires intentional effort.
  • Several leaves the church because they get tired heavenly and continue the continuous line. Even the Savior when he faced the atonement he felt the challenges of all of us.
  • Keeping the covenants is patently forward to reunite with ones that have passed on before us.
  • Bishop Brady: we don’t need to ride alone. As you devote yourself to the Savior, he will provide the power we need our lives.


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