What do Know, Before Signing up With an Agent?



Suggestions given by Stephanie Alton from the flourish writing on line workshop.

  • Go to a conference, have conversations with different agents. Agents there are already vetted by conference committee.
  • Listed in christen writers guide.
  • Have a website that has clients listed
  • Look at the type of words they have agented. Does they match ours?
  • Talk to them and see if you are combatable. Want to see if they are the t type to advocate for you.
  • See if your values align with your agent.
  • Note to see if a certain agent is willing to work with you. Do they offer suggestions?
  • Make sure they are a good personality match.
  • The goal is to work through multiple projects.
  • Real agents do not ask for a fee up front. If thy ask for money it is coaching or not legit. Agents do not make money until you make money.
  • When author gets advance (half when sign and other advance when you hand in the manuscript Aten’s also get percentage of royalties.
  • Agent make sure you have all your ducks in a row. Proposal, some agent may give idea to help your proposal. Send out proposal to different publishers.
  • Help with the contract to get as much in the author’s favor as possible. Once contract is done maybe development calls.
  • Make sure you are well read in the genera your write.
  • You find what other books are like yours and it shows there are an market.
  • Don’t let a literary agent or edit be the first person to see your manuscript. Get it – improved by beta readers, writing groups can help.
  • If you hire an editor, make sure they have experience and credentials. Vet them. Referrals is a way to find out who others have liked.
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