How to Stay Inspired When You Are So Darn Tired?


This is a presentation offered from my employer. The presenter was Christine Cashen. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

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  • Create a force field to insulate you from irritants..
  • If someone frustrates you on Facebook put them on snooze. Go to right side corner will see three dots (…).click on it and you can snooze someone for 30 days. They will not know you put them in time out.
  • If they are continually frustrating them unfollow or
  • Just post things on positive subjects.
  • On social medial, don’t be a yelper be a helper.
  • Social media is not your journal.
  • Ask what can I believe involved with that can make me uplifted rather than drained.
  • Some do meditation and prayer.
  • Find things to protect your enemy
  • Dispose then compose> you get a legal pad. Put the word worry in the center. Around that word, put down the words that represent our other worries. Cross off all the things you don’t have control over and circle the things you have control over.
  • On the things, you can do about it. If you don’t plan to do something, then deleted it. Keep the things you think you’ll do.
  • Put each circled items on its own paper and then around it write in ways how you can accomplish that worry item.
  • What you say comes your way. Watch what you are saying. If you hear this is the worse year. It could get worse. . Don’t say that. People bring on themselves, what they talk the most about. You are programming your brain to follow your mindset. When you have a negative thought, you need to switch the script.
  • When you are at a presentation, they look at each other and they say I never win anything. Instead, think to yourself what I am going to win today.
  • She has a book: “It’s your business.”
  • 10-point challenge: At the start of the day gather 10 dimes/currency and put in your pocket. Who can you appreciate and then tell them why you appreciate them. They move that dime over from one pocket to another. Look for thing at are going right. This helps you take off your gotcha goggles. You look for people who are not doing their job. Put on your grateful goggles. Many of your irritations (like hating your husband eating granola) may be you not him.
  • There is a fit in the lift> when you lift others, you feel better. Quote: it’s good to have a good day. Its better when other people have a good day because of you.” she will often tell people “I am better because you are here. Think how you can help others feel better. She saw a sign at a church. You can be the fountain or you can be the drain.
  • Make up a story about that annoying person’s past. We all have a lot of pet peeves or rules you expect others to live. Tip for this. For example for a driver who is driving slowly, it is actually the daughter who is new to driving and so she is driving slowly. Some people are driving fast. They must have irritable bowl syndrome. Its fun, it creative, and you might be ready. Right now people need love and support. Give people a break. Look
  • Maybe do something will that can amuse people. She has a mask that has her own face on it. Another thing she will do is buy an old-fashioned head set for a phone and hook it to her cell phone. Melva’s idea is that while standing in line you ask a companion a series question like “have you ever wondered why pickles have bumps? She also has a banana phone that she uses to amuse people.
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