Speech Skills by Darren Lacroix Part D


These are continued notes from a webinar that was offered to members of toastmasters. he has very good advice. His website is https://www.stagetimeworkshops.com/stage-timeworkshops. any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

3 points of wisdom.
– Prove your point in the jury of the audience’s mind. Prove through stories and emotion.
– It’s your story but how does it help the audience.
– Figure out your message and then determine your foundational message. The main message that you want to get across. Check out rhyumer.com List told to see which words that rhyme. Find a stick phrase that you build your whole speech around. In capture the speech so audience walks away with. Darren’s is stage time.
– Another phase: Don’t be perfe3dt be present.
– Another; we can either win together or lose alone.
– You can’t use a cliché statement. You need to create one.
– One presenter kept quitting: don’t quite commit.
– One says: I see something in your but I don’t know what it is.
– Create your own foundation phrases.
– The biggest problem in toastmasters:

Resolve to evolve.
– Great speeches are not written they are rewritten
– Find a story that will relate to our audience.
– Will interview people before the big speech.
– He will then add the third example that is specific to the audience he is relating to. Find out their hot spots via the interview.
– 1. Say something about how to retell your life. Have you ever had a time when?
– What was the lesson learned?
– What does your audience to what audience do, think, and feel
– Challenge: do a speech video live on face boo in every day for 77 days. 1 – 2 min and give a story and tell a lesson learned.
– Consistent breeds ability. Write down ideas throughout the day so you have an idea when you’re ready.
– Do it alive.
– Consistency beats ability
– #77dayvideochallenge
– hashtag: 77dayvideochallenge.
– Don’t worry about the first 99 speeches get to the 100 as soon as you can. Make a new habit to record yourself.
– Each day you don’t get on stage is a say you don’t work.
– Comments on the news of the day could be plot leads.
– Tribute two min:
– Response to a quote:
– You may hate listening to your recordings but it still lets you learn.
– Take inventory of the people you most associate with.
– If you try to squeeze too much information into a speech. Be more strategic in what you say. Write a 5 min peach and deliver it in seven.
– When doing a foundation point. sell the phrase determine what stays
– A thought that does not resonate with your audience that may not be part of your speech.
– 650 to 700 words is a length of a typed speech.
– How do you say it better in fewer words?
– If you’re in your head during a speech, your emotions are dead. Don’t memorize. Write it out.
– Will structure the ideas and then present them.
– Two days: https://www.stagetimeworkshops.com/stage-timeworkshops
– DARREN25 (25% off)
– LIVE SPECIAL: $1 ALL-ACCESS 7 Day Trial, then $47 per month
– https://stagetimeuniversity.com/product/live-special-1-for-7-day-trial-all-access-presentation-mastery-membership/
– podcaster: unforgettable podcasts. Mark brown and Darren LaCroix
– Sponge (Get My Top 10 Speaking & Virtual Mistakes, No Charge)
– https://stagetimeuniversity.com/be-a-sponge/
– Podcast: Unforgettable Presentations.

About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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