Build a Fortress of Spiritual Protection


These are notes from a church talk. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

– Make a decision early on how you will respond to temptation.
– Satan’s minions are prominent today. They want to destroy our families
– A lot of distractions can also be offered by Satan to distract us such as technology and social media.
– In the deceptive fact-paced world it is easier for Satan has an easier means to divert us.
– We are told to stand in holy places so we need to make our homes need to be holy
– President Nelson: it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the constant influence of the Holy Ghost.
– Listen to church talks while doing tasks around the house.
– One household will not permit any negative comments in their home. The home is a safe place. Kid’s friends come to visit and could not say cruel things. They would say this is a safe place can’t talk negative.
– When have you felt the spirit in your home recently? What did you do to foster that spirit?
– When people want to learn a language they will often be part of a language immersion program. You only hear that language all day. This program can also be compared to the Holy Ghost. That is a language you need to learn. It can be a once a week thing but needs to be imaged each day.
– A mass famine in the land. It is not of food but of hearing the word of the Lord.
– The nice thing is that the scriptures are already pre-cooked to give us spiritual food and gives us the nutrients of the gospel.
– When go home shopping some ‘feel’ warm and accepting and other homes feel not welcoming.
– We may not realize how each of us has influence over one another.
– We need to ask/seek the spirit.
– Even choosing which movies you watch can influence the spirit in your home and branch out to other areas of your entertainment.
– Satan works like a frog in water: put a frog in a pan of water. Heat the water gradually and the frog does not find the threat.
– Follow the promptings of the spirit.
– Sometimes we need to remember that we don’t have to do everything to raise kids, concentrate on the essentials like the gospel. You need to concentrate on mom as well with sleep, nutrition, and exercise.
– When raising kids need to realize their parents are not perfect. One story told of a mom admitting to her son that she has issues with depression and the son opened up to her as well both could relate.
– We need to focus on great kids.
– Satan tries multiple ways to shut us down and one tool may be anxiety or depression.
– I leave with you, my blessing for you to go forth with confidence in the gospel. See to be like Jesus shedding evil and temptations. Be honest in heart. Bu upright l love your Lord your God with the devotion of a true disciple. (Paraphrase)
– You can feel the spirit easier when you are not so busy.

About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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