Communicating Big Ideas to Young Readers


This was a presentation offered by Kits lit and an interview of Kevin Browse. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

– Willing to be vulnerable helps an audience, especially young audiences relate to him.
– Before he attends an event, he sometimes tries to go a day early and donate time to the youth in the community.
– Has noticed that the principal will often stand near the students that will often act up during an event, so the speaker needs to obtain their attention.

    Q: How to not be preachy but be vulnerable?

– You need to be generous. Not say, “Here are my seven steps.” Start with a generosity of spirit. You are not withholding yourself. You can gamify it. If you do this, you can this. Always want to leave behind things and to help you be better.

    Q: How does curiosity relate to writing for children?

– Curiosity and play drove me through life. Play was my safe place and the library. The book ‘where the wild things are’ made an impression on me.
– Find ways to be play and find out what brings you joy. What gets you out of bed in the morning? Relate to this as an adult. Uses Google to get a digest/feed of google on topics for things I am interested in. He will pursue the list of things he cares about.

Q: Did a book about belonging.
– Worked with another creative and created a series of books

Q: how to write about emotion without telling another how to think?
– Play8ng sports gave him a chance to belong, the library, and then school became a place of belonging.
– Grandfather advises paying attention to your intention.
– What is your origin story, why did you sel3ct that story. Why do you care about that story? Your word selection will show your beliefs.
– He does not concentrate on how many people attend a speech or read a book. The right people who need to hear the message will be there.

Q: Advice to authors to be resilient against rejection letters.
– Resilience is sustained determination. Maybe an idea. Need to have the mindset of abundance not scarcity. See yourself capable to have more ideas. It May not be the time for a certain idea to be introduced.
– There is another ‘me’ besides you that can be influenced by what you say. They are awaiting your story.

Q: Exercise to keep going?
– Think of you competing. How get ready to put energy into yourself? What is recovery look like to you? Exercise, walking, mediation? You need to take care of yourself. We all need discipline. Try different things that can replenish your energy.
– You are an athlete as a writer. You need to make sure you have the energy and time to dedicate to your work.

Q: advice for children with low self-esteem?
– Had to find things that you are good at. Give kids the opportunity to try things that they’ll be good at. Find their passion. Tell the kids your chance of opportunity.

About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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