Nephites in Europe


This was a presentation given by Hanna and James stodderedd. These are notes from a Book of Mormon conference. Any misinformation is the fault of the typist.

– Some of the Nephities survived the destruction of Lamanites and moved to Europe.
– Niflung: trip in grand alps knows as the hiflung. Islamic text stating that the father was descends of a prince named nefi. From the king came the high born.
– Nibelung treasure > had a sacred inheritance of gold. It was so coveted that created a lot of lore. Reference by JRR token and others.
– Legendary sword > wrath of God.
– Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery returned the plates they were permitted into the cave. Sword of Laben was on a wall. Came back the sword is unsheathed. On the words, this sword will never be sheathed again until the kings of the earth return to the kingdom of God (paraphrase)
– Another tribe was known as the canana Nephites and other trues fought against two legions of Rome.
– There were some countries that frequently Jana, beat Rome and they had a relationship to Hebrew descent.
– A victor will destroy all references to a concurred enemy nation and they tried to do that here..
– The same government you inf in the Book of Mormon you find in northern Europe.
– Rome was the communism of the day.
– Judaism 101: the Jewish language uses no vowels.
– Hagoth leaves by ship going north. A mass exodus of Nephites during the reign of the judges before the rise of the Gadianton Robbers. The current push you toward the European continent.
– Oral traditions say the Saxons arrived by ship
– Something unique about the Saxons. They seem to be the leaders with a greater desire for freedom. Migrate from the Germanic tribe and migrate to the British Isles.
– Trace the blood and trace how they act to find their origin.
– During the reformation, the chief prince wanted to squash the printed bible and to suppress freedom of religion. The princes united against the prince that they would have their heads chopped off rather than submit to the suppression of religious freedom.
– This could all be just a coincidence of the similarities of government, religion, dress, etc.
– Celtic Ogm 800 BC type of writing in new England shows up in New England. Nephites’ disintegrations dilemma> Nephi cultures fall apart. How can all the people be righteous and in 3 years none are righteous? One theory is that the righteous moved.
– Jacob 3: the righteous will leave.
– Helaman: When you get so wicked, you’ll cast the righteous out.
– Dc 3: there are Nephites alive today. And they will receive the Book of Mormon that is the writing of their fathers.
– Some of the tribes have a story that the son of God came to them. One documentary commenter said the Germanic spirit is the spirit of freedom.
– One way to track the Nephi is to track the type of people who value freedom. (Romans worked hard to destroy these tribes history) such people in Northern Europe.
– About 400 AD the Germanic tribes concurred Rome. Invaded.
– One documented of alternate histories calls them dirty smelly thugs. Romans said they had no written language, no education, and lived in tents.
– Making of America by Cleon Skousen chapter 1> government came from Thomas Jefferson.
– He said he took it from the Anglo Saxon. He wanted the US citizen to have an Anglo Saxon language of US citizens. Wanted all universities to teach Anglo Saxon to universities.
– Jefferson said they had the wisest & most perfect form of government.
– To do a comparison of Anglo Saxon and Book Of Mormon.
– Jefferson wanted to create Anglo Saxon renaissance.
– Oaths: 4:45-60.
– 3 Nephites will work with their descendants.
– Most of us might have Nephite blood.
– To bring forth anything important in life all hell will happen to stop you.

About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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