How to write better amazon ads


These are notes from a webinar I watched. Hosted by Bryan Coham. He is also known as, does best page forward guy. Any inaccuracies are the fault of the note taker.

– Go to Amazon’s KDP program.
– Some of your ads could be influenced by the reviews of customers.
– Lists out the conflicts in the book for nonfiction is would be the one takeaway
– What is the conflict? Someone or something gets in the way of what the characters want.
– You will then choose the main conflict
– You do not need to include the conflicts of side characters.
– You need to focus on a hook of the main conflict that most people in your genera will identify with.
– You need to find the key selling point of the story. Boil things down to the essential.
– For a short story collection, the stories may have a theme or just a bunch of stories.
– For nonfiction book see what the first main point in the book that would help the customer.
– Use different versions of a hook with different approaches that don’t give away the plot. Change different phrases, different words. Rearrange same phrases
– Make a word more precise, vague or conceptual
– Sometimes a bad ad might have a phrase that can be used.
– 150 character limit. Restrict to about one to two sentences.
– Like to use you as part of a nonfiction ad.
– Best page forward system
– Headline/hook
– Expertise (nonfiction only)
– Synopsis
– Benefits (nonfiction)
– Selling paragraph
– Calling to action
– The best lines to recycle:
– Headline hook
– The last line of your synopsis/cliffhanger
– The first line of your selling paragraph and
– The second line of your selling paragraph.

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About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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