National independence party Apr meeting 2019


These are notes I took at the Apr. meeting of the independence party.

Prayer and Pledge. Pledge to the constitution abortion bills and funding:
638K abortions in the US. Several other states have provided pro-life bills.
What can we do?
A. Put a pro-life link on the page that will provide resources for pro-life.
B. letters to Congress each six mo. To local congress.
C. form alliance with other organization. Amazing how much help we can get when no one cares who gets the credit.
D. suggests and promote movie unplanned.
E. One member contributed several hundred to support organizations.
The United States/Mexico/Canada agreement.
Ucsma committee: piece mail steps toward the North American Union like the European Union.
Established several committees that have the power to alter and expand its powers. It grants this government.
Replace the npata trade agreement. US people rejected the agreement.
A step toward a world government.
Many people involved with the League of Nations are involved in the promotion of this project.
Huffington posts: half men and women during rose garden placing the new deal were the same service staff were the same people who help with the former law that Trump canceled. It’s the same agreement but with a new name.
Many of the current agreements are identical to the TTP bill Trump terminated.
Many believe in a world government because it would mean an end of war.
Put this letter under solutions under our website.

Article 5 and concern.
Have a 6 K list of all the states legislators. And 50 Facebook sites.
Convention of states now has 14 states have agreed to the convention. Sent a letter to the legislators to those states asking them to resend their decision.
Article 1 section 10 paragraph 3: no state shall not enter into any compact with another state without the approval of the Congress.
Send out to the remaining 36 states a letter that it would be an unconstitional act.
Against a balanced budget: against it because it raises taxes to raise taxes but does not give any ideas on balance a budget. National popular vote: has a way to change the constitution without offering an amendment to the constitution. They want to have the electors will vote for the popular vote even if the people voted for someone else. This would be a way to get around the electrical college. 190 electrical votes are agreeable to this action.
Article 1 section? /4? 10 paragraph 10> no compact without congressional approval.
Our goal is to have 8 more states resend their calls for a balanced amendment. We have had some success in this area.
Our goal is to have six resention and prevent additional states for voting for the convention.
Send a letter to the house judicatory committee to have resolutions to support the constitution.

Federal Reserve report:
The first meeting was in 1910. Big financial institutions reps were in attendance.

On falced amendment still working

US economy was so weak, the president?, had all gold land silver handed to Federal Reserve. They transferred it into exchange stabilization fund.
Because of the fed reserve altering the numbers to their advantage, it hinders Congress on a balanced budget.

Red flag legalization:
Judge Buckley senior judge for the court of appeals. At ideals summit. Former us senator of NY. Involved with international security affairs. Became president radio free Europe. Then appointed to the appeal bunch. He has served in all 3 branches of government in the last five decades. (Paraphrase:
“In my view, the serious problems we face these days is due to the abandonment of constitution.

Red flag gun confiscating: good news two states Indiana and Florida have passed pro-gun laws. Anyone can carry a gun and allows owners to bring their weapons into any church and building as long as church allows it.
It holds gun owners when blameless defending bad news: federal government setting up incentives program for gun confiscating guns. Lindsey gram is drafting a federal gun confiscation law.
Trump said to want 50 states to have gun confiscation.
Lindsey gram: the second amendment is important to me but it’s not a suicide pact. We’re trying to balance the right of a gun or mental image issues.
Utah had a flag introduced: did not make it out house rules committee. HJR7 (corry meloy). The resolution recognizes the best manner to protect the vulnerable is to enforce the laws already found in the UT code.

Agenda 21 report:
A lot of zoning adjustments are taking place in a lot of counties. There are large apartment’s housings. Elimination of single-family homes. Or: blocks zoning of single family homes.
Minnesota also involved in this type of zoning.

Agenda 21 includes the reduction of population. Aimed more at the US because the US is wealthy.
Envision UT: is a portion of Agenda 21 that includes mass transportation and population location. Promotes equality.
We want to provide suggestions and attend planning zone meetings to resist manipulation.
Isiah: woe to them that join house to house.

The goal of the party is not to complain but to provide solutions to the challenges that face us. We have a solutions category on the website. Feel free to send content to political of influence.
Seeking people who will put their contact info of local members so interested parties can contact their state representatives.
The website can provide sources of knowledge. May 25 10 am.
Pray for God to bless our nation.

About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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