Relief society blessed my life


Here are some notes from a church meeting. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

– Great place to have younger and older sisters have relationships.
– Relief Society is an important part of the church and the gospel.
– Daughters of my kingdom book: Talks about how many females follower Christ had and how important they were in support of him and the apostles and lifting up the saints. Example: Mary and Martha,
– Example: Tabatha and Delfie went out of their way to serve and to preach the gospel. Through service.
– Latter days came to Nauvoo. Created a group and bylaws then went to Joseph. Joseph said the Lord sees you are ready for his plan. A week later Joseph Smith gave more instruction of what the Lord has planned.
– Called Relief Society to offer relief.
– Heavenly father waited until they were ready.
– Elder Boyd Protector says relief society is like a protective wall.
– Relief Society can offer support
– Looking into the future the world will continue to keep changing. We can plan ourselves.
– Much of the major growth in the church will be drawn to large numbers due to the example of the women of the church.
– There is a story of an on member going to church because of the example of a member as a child
– Lorenzo snow: the church is full of sisters will share the triumph of the work.
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About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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