

Here are some notes from church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

– Ingratitude is not recognizing when someone has hot helped us. It is worse if we know we have been helped and not appreciate that help.
– Life never gets better than this when we can have our chief needs taken care of.
– Simplest definitions of worship is gratitude.
– We have the whole day of the Sabbath to be grateful.
– D&C 59:10-14 day appointed day offer sacraments and pay thy devotions.
– Each of us has a backpack that contains experiences, sins, things that are important, worries, burdens. Each Sunday we bring our backpacks to church and temporally put them aside. We may not leave anything behind but the backpack is lighter. Take the sacrament to abolish sin. Leave burdens.
– May gratitude be the pillow where you kneel for your daily prayer?
– If one morning you woke up and only saw before you the things you expressed gratitude for. What would you see?
– Elain jack: those who are spiritually mature are those who are humble and express their blessings.

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About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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