Stress management Part B:


These are notes from my weight management class. Any inaccuracies are the fault of the note taker.


–           Google the Yerkes-Dodson stress/performance curve.

–           We perform at our best at a medium level of stress.

–           Low stress can cause low performance.

–           High stress> performance drops

–           Freak out> become disorganized.

–           Hungary

–           Anxious

–           Lonely

–           Tired

–           Stress > are all trigger moments

–           Good health + means getting your needs met. Reduced stress

–           A lesson from the little bears: What’s too much? What’s too little? And that’s just right? Like the three bears.


Things to do to destress:

–           Make a list, say no, take a nap, listen to music, gardening, some clean a house. Repeat behavior is good like scrubbing or dishes.

–           If you do something that is reparative> it helps destress. Such as cleaning a house.

–           The bad: in response, mindless eating, watch TV, make excuses, keep it all inside, criticize.

–           The ugly: become addicted, steal, hurt self or suicide, lose temper a lot, hit someone, kick pegs

–           Things what is troubling you?

–           Think of a stressor and how you managing it.

–           Identify what is stressful for you

–           Be aware of your own reactions to stress.

–           What are you warning signs that you’re stressed?

–           Maybe find ways to divert yourself from doing negative things. Taking a walk is one of the best things to do as it gives equal stimulations to both sides of the brown.

–           Negative of self-talk can foreshadow or stress of the body being tense.


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About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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