Coping with our inner voice:


I listened to an enjoyable speech tonight at Toastmasters. The topic of the speech was about annoying roommates. In this case the annoying roommate that constantly talks and talks and talks is our inner voice. The inner voice is the one that constantly tells you their opinion with everything. Another name for this roommate is your self-talk or inner dialog.

  • Our conscious will just listen to the continual blather of the inner voice and does not respond
  • We need to recognize that we can have a control over that blather.
  • We can stop the negative thoughts by taken a moment to recognize them and then intentionally remove them. Acknowledgment of negative thoughts is like a child that tells amount I’ve got an hourly. In case point now the alley on her knee until the mother kisses it better. The daughter wants recognition one she gets acknowledgment of her past pain she’s going to continue her play.

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