Avoid getting misled:


Many people will try to depict themselves as different people and what they really are. The people most notorious for this are those running for political office.

Here are some ways that I think are beneficial when you want to find out the true character of individual.

  • Get the opinion from someone who doesn’t necessarily like your target or who will not benefit from giving a positive response.
  • Seek Someone who has known that person in the long term not just recently.
  • Learn of their behavior and words from the past. If they undergo a change of one of the other should be a definite point and reason as to why they underwent the change.
  • If someone has cheated or lied in the past they have shown themselves capable of doing so again. Resist the temptation to vote for someone that offers flattering words. Where they can be bought at the good chance they can be bought to work against the
  • Search out someone’s behavior when not in the public eye
  • Realize that those representing your own political party can be manipulated you.
  • Also, the more informed you are of history, national events, general knowledge and the opinions of both sides of the isle and their goals, the more capable you are of self-thought.
  • Don’t rely upon another’s interpretation. Seek out the original source yourself.

Object lesson: soap and a cotton swab.

Lesson Write an invisible message on a mirror using a soapy solution and a cotton swab. The secret message will appear only in a foggy room. You could give examples of past lies a certain famous politicians or you can use this object lesson in a positive way by writing positive notes on a mere giving a lesson on a positive reputation and house displayed openly

Have other ideas on how to determine the integrity of a politician? Please share your ideas in the comment section this blog.

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