Heavenly signs of past and future historical events:


These notes are from a Speech during an emergency fair summer 2015. I didn’t get the lady’s name. If there are any inaccuracies in my notes, it is my fault. I did take the liberty of looking up some dates and have inserted some web links.

– Before the first coming of Christ, there will be a lot of signs, so there will be for the second coming of Christ.
– John Pratt: documents many signs.
– Date of Christ’s crucifixion aligned with sacred calendar signs.
– Blood moons occurred around Christ’s death.
– Blood moons are part of the signs of Christ coming. There were two blood moons in 2014, a solar eclipse on March 20 and a lunar eclipse during the Jewish Passover.
– Joel 2: 31 https://www.lds.org/scriptures/ot/joel/2.31?lang=eng
– Heavenly signs occurred during Columbus’ discovery of America.
– Signs occurred during certain church history events. (I remember the historical reference of the meteorite shower the night that saints were kicked out of Navoo. There were signs. For example, moralizing to Joseph Smith occurred during the feast of Tabernacles, September 22. The church was organized during the Jewish Passover and Christ’s birth. Christ was killed on Easter and Elijah visited during a Jewish holiday. In 1940s, Israel became a nation. A solar eclipse blood moons occurred at this time as well as a blood moon during the six-day war.
– Jonathan Cahn is a Masonic Rabbi he discusses a lot of the signs of the times on YouTube.
– Isaiah 9:10 talks about the changing of the tree from one type to another. This can be related to the tree that protected the church where George Washington made a covenant for the United States to follow God. During 9/11, a tree protected the church from destruction. The tree was removed and replaced by different type of tree
– September 13, 2015 relates to an expected problem as is connected to a sign in the heavens.
– Seven of 10 largest stock drops occurred during a Jewish holiday.
– Pastor Mark Betts discusses signs of the times.
– March 9, 2016. There will be a solar eclipse.
– March 20, 2016 something big will happen as it relates to signs and heavens.
– September 2014 is related to the semester year.
– September 20-23, 2016 might have a bunch of meteors.
– September 20, 2017 is a day of this feast of trumpets. The star cluster Egypt permeates point to Regales star system. And other star alignments will align with the Egypt pyramids.
– Revelations 12
– April 15, 2014 it was 42 weeks or 1260 days.
– Solar eclipse represents something bad for Gentiles.
– Lunar eclipse represents something bad for Israel.
– A document or morning line means something that is going to happen.
– 42 weeks is a gestation period.
– April 4, 2015 is a sacred time.
– March 23, 2016 will be a special date.
– http://joybysurprise.com/ is a blog to check out
– The X in the Jewish language is called the tab. It was used at the end of each sentence so that as the writer would like the next sentence they can align the text correctly. Can also relate to signs and heavens and the past of eclipses. The center of the X is where the eclipse is in full effect or complete coverage. Each tab starts in August.
– Jacob 5?
– 1 Nephi 5:13: https://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/1-ne/5.13?lang=eng
– There was a solar eclipse on the day that a tornado hit Salt Lake City, which lasted 57 minutes.
– DC 46:26 https://www.lds.org/scriptures/dc-testament/dc/46.26?lang=eng
– August 21, 2015 is the next tab the start of solar eclipse and the beginning of the path of the totality cross, which is where the cost of the acts of solar or lunar eclipses crosses.
– Midpoint of a tab is November 29, 2016. It will be 70 years after Israel became a nation.
– June 6, 2016 will be a special day.
– Amongst LDS friends. This Facebook page continues the conversation on signs the time, etc.

If anyone listened to the same lecture and wants to make any corrections, please do so in the comment section of this blog. Thanks

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