Lost American Antiquities, Hidden History:


I recently attended a Book of Mormon evidence conference. I listened to a number of panels that gave archaeological evidence of where events occurred in Northern America that matched the events in the Book of Mormon. It was a great conference. Today’s blog is on some notes on Lost American Antiquates. Since I listened to the lecture I may have some name misspelled.

– Check out the book: The Lost Civilization in North America;
– Also book The Lost Cities by Roger krnnery
– Book: Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley
– Indian mound: Miamisburg; lost County, Ohio. Sections of the mound coincide with phases of the moon depicting highly advance understandings of astronomy. They use the same calculations as those used in ancient Egypt. The philosophy of manifest destiny and American expansion was the motivation behind destroying many of the Native American sites which depicted an advanced culture. One example of the site where the American Corps of Engineers destroyed complex earthworks depicted a Jewish lamp and a Menorah images created from the earth works. These designs are documented prior to the destruction of this archaeological site. Stone tablets were discovered in other mounds.
– The concept behind manifest destiny was to promote the thought that the culture of Native Americans had no historical value.
– An early Jowett Explorer that the native Americans report of the lost 10 tribes.
– James Ada, author of History of American History believed the Native Americans to be descendants of the Israelites.
– One archaeological site was as big as Giza
– In Wentworth letter, Joseph Smith said that ‘here’ is the book of Mormon people.
– Admost County, Ohio, has a mound by the name of Elphagg , which is a images of the snake swallowing made.

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