Successful Organizations:


Over a year ago, I attended a seminar on business and one of the topics was organization.

– People and organizations grow by releasing greater energy in themselves, improving the knowledge, acquiring new skills, changing their attitude, and committing themselves to the values and a higher purpose.
– be organized, involves being highly creative.
– Creativity is combining the elements together to get generate growth in the results
– Without organization, the creative energy of the parts of your life and business will never be realized.
– Three building blocks of organization:
– 1. Positions: positions are grouped into roles, duties, responsibilities.
– 2. Activities: hundreds of individuals at this are linked together to do more major and minor productive activities: production, cost control, cells, marketing, assisting, and service
– 3. Systems: Is the mechanism which an organization uses to link activities with each other and make activities with positions

– Organization is the least appreciated and least understood component to doubling net profit
– Organization and systems contain the deepest secrets and greatest unutilized potential for growth in your business.
– Organization and systems possess an amazing power. For ease of workflow and growth.
– Systems aren’t dead or mechanical devices they derive their power directly from business values, such as: orderliness, punctuality, coronation, excellence, ethical value.
– The two sources of any businesses energy, growth and creativity doesn’t lie in the basic building block, but the real energy is generated by the relationships between different elements of business.
– The real power of organization systems arises from his capacity for can coordination and integration of people, activities and systems.
– Freedom musician, so ingredient for growth.
– The individuals grow only in freedom, but the business is based on order, predictability and stability.
– Freedom without organization and discipline is chaos.
– The ultimate is a balance between freedom, responsibility and discipline.
– Establish clear job descriptions, expectations and guidelines for every position and create a system whereby, responsibilities and authority on each position or clear to everyone in your business. This means that everyone knows what everyone else is doing.
– You staff needs to analyze the effectiveness of each building block. A building block can be a slot of time where you preform specific tasks for high productivity.
– Analyze effectiveness of each role in your practice.
– Marketing – referral system – case
– presentation – delivery of service – staff
– engagement – customer response
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