The type of speeches given at Toast Masters:


These are the minutes taken from our secretary from our last meeting.

Bill was our first speaker tonight: “His talk was on the Little Red Hen Story” We have all read it or have had it read to us as children. The story starts out at a farm in the country; a little red hen found some wheat on the ground and asked her friends if they would help her to till the soil and plant the wheat. But all of them replied in the negative or no action to help her. Then she asked them to help her to water and weed the newly sprouted wheat. The answer was still no. She asked her friends to help in all the phases of growing, watering, weeding, and finally harvesting and grinding the wheat. The answer was always no .She even asked them to help her make the bread with the fresh ground wheat. Still couldn’t get their help, but after the bread was all baked and ready to eat, they all wanted a portion of the bread. But the little Red Hen wouldn’t share any of it with them. In fact she ate in front of them and put some lip smacking butter on the warm and toasty bread along with some mouthwatering strawberry jam on top. She enjoyed the fruit of her labors. Moral of the story is that we need to work for our daily bread in life! I enjoyed your story Bill. Looking forward to hearing some more tall tales.

Steven gave his “Ice Breaker” tonight. Stevens’s life is somewhat like George Baily in “It’s a Wonderful Life” A movie which was portrayed in the 1940’s. Stevens’ story is about his life when he was a teenager or a little older if I remember the story right. Anyway his life was going along pretty smoothly and he wasn’t making any life changing mistakes until he was listening to some Christmas music on his car radio, which put him to sleep as he was driving. He awoke when he heard a loud crash of his car hitting another car head on in the opposite lane of traffic. He blacked out after he heard that crash, then all he could see was white and he thought he was dead then he was awoken by his window being smashed in and feeling cold air on his face. Then a man opened the door and moved him from his burning car. After all this happened he thanked God for sparing his life and giving him a second chance. After his prayer he heard or had a thought come into his mind saying! Get your head in the game or I am going to pull you out! Great talk, keep up the good work.

Jim was our third speaker tonight: His talk was on fear of computers and how to get over that fear. He mentioned how we could be more confident in learning how to solve the problems with our computers with the internet and google the answers we need. You would be amazed what you can learn from videos you find on these sites. That backing up your files on a backup drive is good practice and should be done often. Good information on problem solving on the computer. Keep up the good work. He mentioned how we can use our skills with computers to make a more successful club by sharing what we do, via technology.

If anyone has attended toast masters speech organization, please feel free to share what you learned while there. Please do so in the comment section of this blog.

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