

Last year I attend ltue and took some great notes on a number of great panels. Here are my botes on Characterization. Enjoy.

– The character is key.
– By torturing them, put them in a setting with the problem. For such challenge or problem upon them.
– Like to ask why or how they got some such as my patch.
– Need to have inciting incident to the beginning of the story that will start a progression of events that will take place out the book.
– Start with a normal person and have extraordinary things happen to them.
– Have a character at a point in their life is about to take the drastic change.
– Find the character that is the most to lose.
– Put the care in character.
– Flawed characters make them interesting and relatable.
– What draws one to a character originally may change to something else up the story.
– Two characters are in conflict. The end up defending each other when they share a common threat, such as one business was to difference specializations.
– Books that have a good character, Speaker for the dead, teach everyone has a story we are more than the sum of our parts. Summer of night, Lewis Carroll, the Anderson, Jenny Hansen early works, Carolyn Gillman = arc fault
– Terry Pratchett taken ordinary Character and have them do extraordinary things.
– Main character is neither one has the greatest lose.
– Think of all the stories from the point of view of all the participants sometimes personality to make them a fun main character. Or whose perspective would be the most interesting.
– Have a character that has powerful worldview and put them in a situation where they have to compromise their value. Violate the music notation seeing what motivates a character.
– A hero is only as good as the real and. Villains think that he/she is right. Give the billing something that we sympathize with.
– We need someone you know who to cheer for.
– Good source of names, graveyards.
– Characters that are ordinary become extraordinary by winning over extraordinary circumstances.
– Don’t feel bad if you do not know everything about the character at the beginning. You can learn about a character in the first few chapters.
– Make sure characters have different diction

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