

While I attended Life the Universe and Everything this year I took some great notes on a panel about writing action. I hope the info can be of interest.

–          Action scenes can either make or break the book.

–          Work two very the tension levels, and various areas of your book that will add variety. You need to rise and fall the attention of the plot.

–          Rules of writing action: if it’s awesome and the readers like it did in.1. Gives boring fix it.

–          Fast-paced action of a book is sometimes longer narrative, so be careful of being too wordy.

–          Make the action seen as exciting as possible.

–          Watch for line by line descriptions of action, such as he did, I did, he did.

–          You don’t have to describe every action for the reader can fill in the spots.

–          Sometimes you can just tell the results of action.

–          When writing first person you don’t have to describe that I saw the character do this or that.

–          You could nickname the various minions to keep them separate in a fight scene, such as ball. The, that, etc.

–          mix up action scenes in a different type of action gunfight in one area, chasing and another dialogue, conflict in another, or by providing different types of location with the battle moves such as train for the water, et cetera.

–          Write what you do know, and it will show up to your writing.

–          Fake it until you make it.

–          Do as much research as possible.

–          Any action you write needs to be seen from the viewpoint of the character.

–          The more experiences you have the more realistic the streams will become.

–          You can access the Internet to ask questions from people that have the knowledge you need, and to offer technical device.

–          Find people who have the knowledge that you need to research.

–          Many people can read your work and review it on the mindset of their knowledge.

–          When the effects of adrenaline1. You get tunnel vision. 2. You Experience, time lapse and loses sense of time 3. you lose short-term memory 4. Strength goes up.. 5.Motor skills go down.

–          For good chasing concentrate upon the intensity of the moment and what is accomplished at the end of the chase.

–          Both plot and characterization or advanced in the story to action.

–          Have things happening during an action scene. Such as the consequences that are left behind after the characters move on.

–          Action scene is a good place for character development is you see how the character responds under pressure.

–          During a car chase scene change what is happening, such as were the driving, dialogue, respond one another or change the environment.

–          Trim the fat off on action scenes and remove any unnecessary stuff. If it’s clanking it slows down . But don’t cut out too much or it might lose some of the transition of the sequence of events.

–          If you need to use a tool or point of information that will be important during an action scene. You want to do some earlier in the story, so that you don’t have to reduce it at the time it is needed. Otherwise, it will slow down the action as you explain the identity production.

–          Don’t be afraid to hurt your character. But when you do the realistic on the results of the and the capability restrictions influenced by their hurt you need to be realistic about what a character can do.

–          Is all the characters, sensory, the case, such as the taste of blood in the mouth, etc., or the death after an explosion

Have an item to add to the list or have your written a blog/article on the subject; feel free to share in the comment section of this blog.

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