Why economics matters in world building:


This was a good panel to attend to see the importance of economy in world building. These notes are from a panel at life universe and everything. I I hope this can be of use to you as well.

–          People build towns where they have easy access to needed resources or where can act as a crossroads for other people’s travels. One example is page, Arizona, that was a town created because it was a source of work for those working on the dam.

–          Cities build though momentum.

–          Cities require multiple interests or reasons for city, not just one single cause.

–          You need to determine how your characters get the daily bread.

–          One way to complicate the character’s life is to threaten their source of income.

–          Energy use influences economics.

–          Magic should have a cost and follow economic rules.

–          Why a call in often causes a situation where the characters or confined within some form of wall, but in these be determined how the characters within the combined area, get their food, and how the other needs are answered.

–          In creating a book ask the economic questions source of food leadership and how do things run.

–          If the book is fast-paced is more easily to gloss over economic questions.

–          Good writers know a lot more about their world that what is stated in the book. And author, needs to answer well building questions even if only for themselves.

–          Each genre concentrates upon special interests of the reader such as science fiction technology, whether readers will expect accurate technology.

–          One good way to an economics is to Read good fiction that is includes economics in their world building.

–          Questions to ask and world building and economics is how I said the cost and what makes the item valuable for someone to want to buy it.

–          Books to read: 1. the Cathedral, 2. the bizarre, that guns, germs and steel.3. Collapsed by Jerald diamond 4. Freak economics 5. Predictable irrational behavior economics

–          Societies have to produce excess to create occupations that specialize

If you have something to add to this topic, please feel free to add it in the comment section of this blog. As an additional idea, I came up with a story plot during this panel. They can come at the strangest times. Here you go:

Story idea: one bad night: (Story from my ring universe) a wizard should never get drunk or there might be consequences. Wizard is carrying cargo in his rings but requires a constant mental concentration to keep materials contained. Some jokesters at a local tavern decide to get him drunk and learn to regret it. Pranksters think wizard is uppity and they don’t’ realize he is merely concentrating upon containment of the contents of the ring.

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