Techniques to target a property:


Last fall I attend a financial seminar. Here are some of my notes. I hope they can be of use.

–          Personal property. A. Drive around the neighborhood . B. Magazines such as thrifty nickel. C. Personal database. D. Newspaper.

–          Professional prospecting: a. Broker and agents. B. Websites such as loop that. C. Commercial sites. D. Bird dogs/feeders: companies that will collect information about the real estate market and sell it.

–          Networks: a. Inventory clubs, B. associations. C. Buyers networks, i.e. property and network.

–          ROI: means rate of return

–          PEN: is an outlet for people grouped together to manage real estate and income, etc. which may be in Utah

–          If liquidate retirement. Government can’t get it

–          How to improve your credit score:

–          Unless they share an account with their parent

–          There are three credit sources, expedient extra fax in Trans Am. You should pull all three tickets inaccurate view.

–          The average lender will evaluate all three levels of your score and get an average. The average is usually not calculated by the numbers of the three, but often is the middle number.

–          Free credit orchard credit is not displayed in the three scores. People will make it. This was called an advantage for which taps into other great information from additional sources that many vendors will use.

–          Determine what drives your credit:

–          Pulling your own credit will not impact your score. If you ask alone or to pull your credit. It will ping your score.

–          Since 2012, a bill was passed, the said that any unpaid medical bills under $100. People should not have the scores Pete and. That takes time for the government to implement such bills.

–          Having an account go to collections is a 75 point hit on your score.

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