How to give a humorous speech:



A while ago I received some training at a Toastmasters conference and one of the topics was how to do humor speech. Here are some of my notes.

–          Check out staney demasky: for blog

–          Rely upon your personal experience. Comedy is all about perspective.

–          Always be authentic. Just be you. Be authentic to who you are

–          writing is all about rewriting.

–          Don’t stick to the first draft.

–          Don’t edit yourself. Write your experiences verbatim tell how you feel, tell the sequence of events.

–          Writing is a process to get out all the junk to find the –negit of gold.

–          Find your personal sense of humor. One way is to do a Journal.

–          Think of things that don’t normally go together. Opposites attract.

–          Use friends and family as a sounding board.

–          If you have a section of a speech that you think is funny, then put that in a general conversation and see how your audience response. Don’t tell them your story is going to be funny. This way, their response will be genuine.

–          Use metaphors, but don’t be cliché.

–          Use your body and your voice.

–          Remembering your life experience.

–          Use the power of pause.

–          There are storms everywhere.

–          Try three-minute stories:,

–          how to find stories: newspaper.

–          Write, write, write

–          think out-of-the-box

–          asking your mind. What if…

if you have items to add to this list, please put them in the comment section of this blog. Thank you

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