A moving ship:


Many of my object lessons are inspired by the wonderful things I’ve learned at church and today is the same thing. I like the comment in Sunday school that talked that it is a lot easier to change the direction of a moving ship rather than one that is not moving at all. This idea can relate to us striving to live righteous lives, and even though we may not be accomplishing everything we wish to achieve, we still moving. Thus, the message, it’s easier for God to direct a moving ship than one that is not moving at all.

I hope this idea can be of use to youth ministries, family devotionals, family counselors, parents and grandparents and family home evenings.

Have marbles or a lot of similar sized balls on the floor. Have a child or class member slowly roll a ball across the floor, and then another family member or student to start rolling a second ball to intercept the first. When the two balls meet the first ball changes direction do to the impact of the second. Just like we continually endeavored to improve ourselves, our efforts of self-improvement can be more easily influenced by God, when we are trying to move in his direction.

Create a list with the family or class as to what might be a ball or a person’s direction in life. Some examples might be living the commandments. Living our personal covenants that we’ve made with God, try into act Christ-like to name a few.

Now have the family talk about what might be considered as a bump from the other ball. Here are some of my ideas. The promptings of the Holy Spirit to motivate one to particular action or past experience when we made a mistake and we know what type of situations might tempt us and we avoid those temptations, or perhaps someone else’s example or words may inspire us to positive activity. Feel free to add more too both lists with the class or family members. You might include the examples of prophets and religious people in the Scriptures, and even people in your community, that displayed honor and integrity. They might even be in your congregation.

You might even consider how you live your life and give an example provides a bump to someone else’s ball. Christ encourages us to be more like him. Sometimes Christ hand might be behind store in the role of home ball to make a positive impact on someone else’s ball.

Please feel free to expand on this idea in whatever direction you feel would be appropriate.

If you would like to share some additional ideas on this topic, please provide your input in the comment section of this blog.

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