Understanding your hand print:


I recently attended a body language class and I want to share some of my notes. This is a topic that has always fascinated me and I hope it will be of interest.

First of all, I have an assignment for you. Get a blank piece of paper and a pencil and then go ahead and slap the palm of your hand against the blank paper and freeze it against. Do not move the hand once it has made contact with the paper. Now start tracing a pencil along the exterior shape of the hand along the fingers into the fingers so that you get every finger and dip of the hand. It should look like a funny illustration of a turkey when you’re done.

Now, from the notes I took my class. I’ll share with you the interpretation I got from the presentation of what the pencil drawing will tell about yourself.

First is the spot where the hand connected to the wrist.  This would be the start/front of a turkey illustration. Second is the thumb. Third, is the space or valley between the thumb and pointer finger. This could be called a valley. Forth represents the pointer finger. Fifth is the valley or space between the pointer finger and middle finger. Sixth is the middle finger. Seventh that is the valley between the middle finger and the ring finger. Next is the ring finger. Ninth is valley between ring finger and the pinky. Finally comes the pinky finger. Now, as you look at your hand drawing. This is my understanding of what the following things means. The distance of space between your fingers can tell a little about our character.

–        The juncture between the hand and the wrist represents flexibility. If I understand the interpretation correctly, when one holds their wrist is to support possible floundering commitment.

–        The thumb represents your power of will, or your lineage. If someone holds their thumb that could be either they are trying to protect their will or someone they care about.

–        The valley between the thumb and the pointing finger represents your willingness to commit to something. The wider the valley between the thumb and the pointer finger indicates the stronger the level of commitment to decision. A way to note a person’s commitment or willpower is to ask someone to raise their hand if they agreed to something. when they raise their hand if the thumb is extended away from the rest of the fingers, that indicates they are highly motivated in the commitment. If the thumb is next to the fingers they’re not really committed.

–        The pointing finger represents how you feel about yourself or how you respond to authority or people in position.

–        The valley between the pointing finger and middle finger represents your tendency to lead in a situation.

–        For the middle finger, it represents your willingness to accept responsibility on your goals. Biting a finger nail of the middle finger can indicate your lack of commitment or trouble with a current level of responsibility.

–        The valley between the middle finger and the index finger represent your creativity level. Depending upon if there is a little space between those two fingers or a wide area indicates your creativity level. If the ring finger and the middle finger are lined up next to each other, that is a strong indication that you’re committed to a responsibility.

–        The ring finger represents your level of commitment to relationships. One way to determine if a marriage partner is having difficulty in their relationship or if the relationship is stressed is by how they treat their ring finger. If they caress it, that can  indication of tenderness. If he or she jabs at the ring finger or displays irritation toward it. That could indicate that there is a trouble.

–        The valley between the index finger and the pinky indicates if you are more an independent spirit or more a group person. The wider the space, the more indication that you are more independent thinker.

–        The pinky finger represents your physical state, or rather your health. You might have health issues is if you have a tendency to bite a lot on your pinky fingernail or to bit the skin of that finger or some other irritation toward the pinky finger then your health is an issue.

Body language has always fascinated me, and I hope I can learn more about it. I hope my interpretation of these notes as accurate. If you’re into body language and want to go ahead and share some of your knowledge. Please feel free to do so in the comment section of this blog. Thank you.

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