Things observed and learned from Chile’s earthquake:


These are notes I took while attending a CERT (certified emergency response team) fire side.

When you think about how to prepare yourself or your family for multiple emergency scenarios, keep these ideas in mind.

–        Different emergencies are influenced by the circumstances surrounding the catastrophe.

–        The earthquake in Chile occurred about 4 o’clock in the morning.

–        There is items falling off the shelves and the rumble of the ground shook beneath their feet.

–        The first introduced to check on the status of your family

–        There are no communications and no access to additional resources.

–        For parts of the country that is next to the notion the systems have to worry about tsunamis after the earthquake.

–        Roads are torn apart so people not able to travel

–        There was no means of communication because everyone was trying out once and was jamming the signals

–        With no electricity, there was no running water and little food.

–        For the problems in Katrina it took five days to the mature arrive to help.

–        Security became a big issue for Chile. The poor citizens of the country went to the rich neighborhoods to steal people’s possessions.

–        It’s important for you to know your neighbors, so you can determine how they will respond in a circumstance and he didn’t trust them.

–        There’s usually a lack of leadership during catastrophe.

–        Martial law was installed to help prevent mobs and unruly citizens.

–        A man killed his own mother for water.

–        In an emergency, people will go crazy; we face the most negative aspects of human nature.

–        How many people know who their neighborhood captain is?

–        Who has three months of water or three months of food?

–        We’ve been warned by Scriptures that challenges are coming.

–        Medicines need to be taken and often run out.

–        In Chile, a car drove into a neighborhood during curfew. Someone shot at the car to protect the neighborhood and people later found out he was one family come in to find out the status of another family.

–        One family was in better condition in Chile, because they buy their food, a month at a time. They had just purchased their supplies, the day before the earthquake.

If you have suggestions to add to the list, please feel free to give them in the comment section of this blog. Thanks

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