Free The People Event:



I went to the free the people event hosted by freedom works. There are some very good speeches that took place. Here are some of my brief notes. Unfortunately, I was not able to write as quickly as they speak so I only got certain juicy parts. You may want to see if it’s at some point if this event is put up on YouTube.

Matt Kibby: Head of Tea Party

–        What distinguishes you from others? Be a person who bases your opinion upon the future

–        there are people who don’t want to be a part of the tea party to succeed

Mia Love: Utah Mayor running to be representative

–        We are interested in making life better for future generations of people. People come to America to be free

Jason Borsely:

–        There are ways to win back our culture.

–        1. Restore original revolutionaries (Washington,Franklin) back to their positions of honor.

–        2. Then symbols of unity to be displayed to the public.

–        3. Don’t apologize for our greatness.

Heather Williamson: leader of Freedom works in Utah

Things we need to accomplish in Utah:

  1. stop common core/Utah core
  2. Stop the Utah bill that is about the expansion of Medicaid under Obama care.
  3. We must be organized and educated populace.

Choose to make a difference/

Dene Burell: (Fox news)

–        Hard work and perseverance is what got me to where I am today.

–        You have to empower yourself. The road is not easy. But you make it what you can.

–        Liberty allows you to make the choices for success.

David Schwalker: (Arizona senator)

–        Who believes that the Constitution is divinely inspired? If so, we need to stand up for it.

–        The shortcomings of Congress are that they think that they can make decisions for the rest the population. Examples have shown them to be wrong.

–        They once said that we would no longer have fuel to sustain society. Yet right now we have an abundance of fossil fuels.

–        The book the population bomb predicted overpopulation. It was also wrong.

–        Congress enacted laws to only use a certain kind of light bulb. But there are new bulbs with more recent technology that are better than the ones that we are now required to be used.

Rafel Cruse: (Ted Cruz’s dad)

–        With hard work, I can accomplish in a dream. This is the bastion of freedom.

–        Outside the Bible, the greatest documents of history that has been panned is the Constitution and Declaration of Independence.

–        Freedom loving people cannot be silent anymore. Our founding fathers pledged our liberty, our fortunes and sacred honor.

–        We need to be willing to do the same and sacrifice our liberty, our fortunes and our sacred honor

Jeff Sandburg:

–        How can we sustain America?

–        1. An ordinary American with a calling in their heart can accomplish our dreams. A calling is when you use your gifts to the feel a need in the world.

–        2. We need to know how to turn great ideas and action. What good idea are you given to create an action or result?

–        3. Liberty is right and slavery is wrong. Man long to be free.

As you leave tonight to find your own calling?

Mile Lee: Utah Senator

–        Wrote the eBook why John Roberts was wrong on Obama care.

–        The habit of the enemy is to first ignore us, then laugh at us, then fight us, and in the end, we win.

Cori Shalen:

–        We are bigger than government

Reverend Cy L Bryant

–        We will not let our voices be silent. Freedom works to empower.

–        We need a leader in the White House who has character.

–        When you abandon responsibility, we lose our liberty.

–        Help with the film: Runaway slave.

–        Those that wanted a new life boarded the Mayflower for new life

–        It is time for you to discover America. It is time to have another Mayflower experience.

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