Projects for all ages for Family/Camp Reunions:


This is the final entry on this topic of reunions. I want to mention some of the ways that my extended family catered the activities to match various age groups of family members attending the reunion.

–        Take advantage of the resources around you as you choose your selected site. Since we owned some land on the eastern rim of Zions one year. Some of us organized a group to hike down the Narrows. This was a two day hike. As it is about 12 or 18 miles. I don’t remember which. As we were hiking along the sides of a River, sometimes going downstream made it easier to travel.

–        Those who like golfing enjoy the activity of Friday morning of going off site to golf.

–        For the marksmen in our family, the ski shoot seems very popular. I’ve always appreciated that my sister Sherry has usually been very successful in her shooting alongside the men. You don’t mess with my sister. There are several ladies that are pretty good shots.

–        The balloon toss for the Saturday afternoon games is always very popular because if one happens to burst, no one seems to mind the opportunity to cool off. This is an activity that is good for all ages, either for participants are observers.

–        One year we had multiple games of checkers and chess, so that people could play that as well.

–        Some games that we enjoy playing at individual campsites is card games such as phase 10 or Uno. These games can usually accommodate multiple ages.

–        Kids seem to really enjoy running around amongst the trees and in nature as they spend their energy exploring. We are far enough away from the rim drop-off that it is a safe environment. Though the kids do need to be careful of snakes.

–        The entertainment night seems to work well for all ages, as it involves the smallest children and some of the older adults provide annual performances that always enjoyed. These talent shows usually follow a certain theme that has been assigned for that year.

–        The dance after the entertainment is most popular with the teenagers. Usually, when I hit the sack. I can hear the music still playing late into the night.

–        Sharing time on Sunday morning is a good opportunity to touch upon the spiritual aspects of our lives. This is a good time to hear stories and memories of fellow family members. Sometimes an aunt or an uncle may know a story about my father or mother that I had never heard. So it’s always good to enjoy sharing time for that additional motive.

–        There’s also the additional drive-by visits of family members that walk from site to site to greet and converse with extended family.

If you have enjoyed your family reunions that are either camp related or not, please feel free to share your ideas of what you do with your family. The rest of us will be very greedy to hear additional fun ideas to implement for our own reunions. Thanks.

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