Dr. Benjamin Carson Speech at the National Prayer Breakfast – 2/7/13


Quite a speech. http://uneditedpolitics.com/dr-benjamin-carson-speech-at-the-national-prayer-breakfast-2713/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=dr-benjamin-carson-speech-at-the-national-prayer-breakfast-2713

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2 Responses to Dr. Benjamin Carson Speech at the National Prayer Breakfast – 2/7/13

  1. Rayda Reed says:

    Ben Carson is an incredible man. He saved a child whose family lived in my branch once. She required brain surgery and she died on the operating table, but he was able to bring her back and complete the operation. Goodness, she should be nearing her 20s by now!

    • admin says:

      Thank you for sharing this. What a wonderful thing to learn. He seems to be quite a quy. It was a great speech and now my roommate and I are checking him out further. I did put his web site up on my Vent page. Thanks again for taking the time in posting this additional material. Sounds like God was directing his hand once again.