Just some good news, my story on the radio Sunday


current story telling event:

1. My story telling is going to be on the radio tomorrow. Sunday Feb 3rd.
2. I hit over a hundred hits on my web site this week.

Here is the radio stuff

Cathy and I finished putting together tomorrows program which will feature your Snakes in the bed story and our dialog about the camp cook blasting holes in the floor of her cabin.

Let your friends know it will be on KPCW tomorrow morning at 8:30

Dave and Cathy

I don’t have much time to advertise, but I’ll see who I can tell.

Hopefully I can listen to it at http://kpcw.org/the-station/listen/

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9 Responses to Just some good news, my story on the radio Sunday

  1. Cindy B says:

    OUTSTANDING…can a copy/link be connected here?

    • admin says:

      I did put the original link on the post. I will have to go back and see if the radio station has an archive that we could go back and listen to the story that I told on the radio. I was able to record most of it on my digital recorder. Thanks for asking kiddo.

  2. Toni says:

    My charger died, and I only just got a new one today. I would like to hear you if there is an archive I can listen to.

    • admin says:

      I will try to see if there is an archive on the radio station that has a recording of my story. I was pretty excited to have it featured. I’ll let you know what I find out.

  3. you are a very talented person Neise. love to hear it or have you type it up and put it on the

    gifford web site.

    • admin says:

      Thanks Aunt Avonell. I did record it on my digital recorder but I’ll have to see if they have an archive section to the story.