The difference between Choose and Chose


I get stuck on the silliest things when it comes to spelling or word use and these two words are common mistakes. Well I came up with an idea that may help me remember the difference between these. I will associate the meaning by what I see visually in the words. I remember that one is in the present and the other is in the past.

I hope to remember chOOse because I see two OOs in the word. I am about to decide which o to take so it is a present decision.

The word chOse only has one O left so that means that the decision has been made.

Not sure if that works but at the moment we’ll see it it’ll help me.

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2 Responses to The difference between Choose and Chose

  1. saurabh says:

    Thats cool! I was confused too but your idea is really easy to understand. I should *choose* you as my hero now!