Late bloomers are like popcorn


I hope that today’s lesson can be useful to youth ministries, family devotionals and family home evenings. The theme today is about late bloomers.

We all like to eat our popcorn in different ways. Some like to pop the kernels to their full white fluff glory and add butter or salt. Others like a kernels that is only partly popped where there is part kernel and part fluff. Some like un-popped kernels to chew on for flavor. Then there is all the wonderful things you can put on popcorn to enhance it flavor or popcorn can be used in other ways besides eating.

Each of us achieves various things at different points in our lives. An important thing to remember is that though some of us might be late in the game, we can still achieve a great deal. Some people will spend decades in one business and then suddenly switch jobs and be successful in a totally new occupation.

Unfortunately many people will compare their successes with the accomplishments of others when we need to consider our specific successes as ours. Our unique perspective can influence an outcome of something that is totally different from others. One specific person came up with the idea of liquid paper while another came up with a stapler. The thing is that people who invented those things did so, by their unique ingenuity. Though some horses may not be the first out of the shoot during a horse race, they can still win the race.

Object lesson: Pop some popcorn and discuss as a group the different ways to enjoy popcorn and discuss the different talents given by members of the family or class having the discussion.

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