Writing for Young Adults (Conduit panel)


I did a story telling presentation of Traits of a Hero for a SF/F convention that took place in Salt Lake City, Utah, this month. While there, I had the opportunity to attend some other panels. Here are the notes I took on writing for the YA market. I hope they will be of use to aspiring and experienced writers.

– Harry Potter = was popular for all ages
– YA books are usually shorter than books for adults and are often written in the first person.
– YA usually has fewer characters
– YA usually has an ending depicting Hope.
– There must never be a sense of nostalgia
– Recommended authors by panelists: Holly Back; Cassandra Clair; Lindsey Levitt; Stephaney Burgess; Grin Bow; Shannon Hale; Ken Dar Balke; Sarah Berth; Alisan Goodman; Jackie Moor Keester; Mike Chulun; Maggie Stefotter; Ester Freester; Holly Blacktide; Scott Westerfield; Dan Wells; James Dashner. (Bad spelling of all names compliments of Melva Gifford)
– YA readers don’t like weak characters
– Paranormal romance tanked two years ago
– Editors are starting to buy space travel.
– Reading history is the best way to learn world building
– Other recommended books: Life as we knew it; Seed and hunger games

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