Difference between the words of coarse and course.


As you have probably noticed by now, I make sure that many of my blogs are quite self-serving. I am a bad speller so my weekly Thursday blog is on how I try to remember how to spell words I struggle with.

I am constantly mixing up the spelling these two words. I am notoriously using a third word of “corse” in my writing and it is an outdated word. So today’s spelling mnemonic is on the difference between coarse and course. We’ll see if I can improve on the spelling of these two words after this presentation eh?

Coarse: rough or possessing larger pieces and is the opposite of soft.
A COAt made of wool often means it’s made of a COArse material.

Course: a direction or route taken.
When yOU walk down a specific path, yOU’ve chosen your cOUrse.

Corse: is a century old word that meant corpse.
The hORSE was so old that it died and and just laid there as a cORSE on the side of the road.

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