Do or do not. There is no try:



Morgan Adams discussed the challenges of setting up New Year’s resolutions at Toast Masters. Here are some things I learned.

  • 62% of people make New Year’s resolutions.
  • only 8% will succeeded in keeping them.
  • In Psychology Today it tells how people have fear of success and of the unknown.
  • Some suggestions on keeping goals are to make your goals realistic.
  • Your goals need to be monitored. Define specific results you’re looking for such as date, time, and method to achieve specific goals.
  • One example might be to lose 3 pounds in a month. Rather than Setting the goal to lose 50 pounds in a year. Then you assigned specific days of the week to exercise.
  • One of the challenges of reaching new goals is old habits. People will need to engage their minds very seriously to turn old habits into new habits.

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