Lessons learned from hurricane Katrina: 


I went to this presentation and found the information useful.

  • Have your important papers in a ready box ready to grab and go. Maybe also have a backup of those same papers in entirely different location, maybe even in in in a different state.
  • Maybe it’s a 72 hour kit also have a week or two week kit for change of clothing that fit various scenarios such as church, weather and daily tasks.
  • Create a grab list so you know exactly what to grab for a quick exit.
  • When you receive promptings of the spirit, respond to those promptings.
  • Money: you may want to have money available to last a month away from home.
  • You might want flood / earthquake insurance.
  • Find out in your community. What they suggest for repair (for the scenarios) that fit your community.
  • Many homes were destroyed because of pressure on the Windows. The Windows are punched out and the roof tops are blown off the house and the house crumbles. That’s why it’s important to have boards on Windows
  • Buy plywood, nails, etc. even if this is for future use.
  • Leaving early from a possible bad situation is easier than leaving when the crowd leaves.
  • Have gas always in the car so that you won’t run out during your travels. Maybe always have a half a tank.
  • Arrange a hotel room for a certain set of days, maybe even a couple weeks.
  • People in the Superdome expected the government to bring in food and to take care of them. It was not available.
  • Have water indoors, not just outdoors as the water outdoors can be exposed to the elements, and compromise containers.
  • For potential floods, issues, maybe move things upstairs.
  • People were removed from the hospital and were taken care of in an emergency area. All levels of medical attention were being handled in the same spot.
  • Maggots fill the fridge where they were not able to be looked at for a long time.
  • People pile trash in their front yards for later disposal. There were also big piles of trees that had been destroyed.
  • Have a good supply of work gloves and water.
  • You need to be obedient. The presenter lost all her food supply, but because they prepared in all ways they’re able to take care of the situation and the Lord blessed them.
  • The damage at the church and other water damage made the church eventually unusable.
  • Mormon ‘helping hands’ arrived on Tuesday came and helped people from around the country.
  • All furniture was covered with mud and because of humidity they became moldy.
  • The neighborhood sought volunteers to help house medical students.
  • Lord provided everything we needed. There were miracles experienced by most people of the Ward. Everyone told stories of blessings.
  • A member of the audience suggested that an earthquake. People in California said that the three things they needed most of which Clorox, rubber gloves and trash bags.
  • Maybe prioritize levels of emergencies. Level I: The most important things. Level II: If you have the options and room, to come back and get things.
  • Another important thing that may be used is facemasks.

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