Joseph Smith, more than you know:


I attended this lecture a few months ago. I did not agree with her analysis but she presents some interesting info. She is presenting the idea that Joseph and Hyrum were the two prophets mentioned that will die in the streets.

Any inaccuracies in spelling or my notes is my fault.

– Revelations 11: states that there are two prophets who will be killed and will rise and the third day. This presentation presents the idea that those two prophets were Joseph and Hyrum Smith.
– Joseph and Hiram were joint Presidents of the church.
– Isaiah 51:19 – 20
– 2 Nephi 8:19 – 20
– Revelations 11:3 idea power, the two witnesses.
– Comparison between Joseph and Christ is that both served 1260 days or 3/2 years.
– Joseph sent out on January 15, 1841 proclamation which was 1260 days prior to his death.
– Revelations 11:4 –. Check all of tree is symbol of people.
– The Temple of Solomon had two pillars.
– Is a statement that no man can come to God’s kingdom without Joseph and Hiram’s consent. DC 135:3, 6.
– What does the parables of the 10 virgins mean: the virgins represent members of the church. Matthew 25:4
– Always sleeping DC 45:26,3 Nephi 1:5 – 6. Joseph is the bridegroom.
– The Civil War happened because the Saints were kicked out of United States.
– Revelation 11:6 power to shut heavens power over the waters.
– In the book the living Messiah, talks about the 10 plagues of Moses that will also occur in the last day.
– Genesis 50:24 – 38 talking about Joseph Smith not Moses.
– Revelations 11:8.
– Revelation 11:9 three days later. Joseph and Hiram’s bodies were buried.
– Revelation 11:10 people celebrate the profits murder. People celebrate in Chicago.

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