Building different economies and political systems:


It was another great year at Life the Universe and Everything. These are the notes I took from Building economic and political systems. Good info.
– Use existing political systems as a model, and then make changes. When you make those changes ask what affects your specific changes will make on the culture.
– The character actions and motivations may be determined by either the political or economic creation of the world.
– How food is introduced, determines the level of cultural development. If food has an easy source of being provided. The more advanced the culture and develop society.
– The problems of the characters are influenced by the level of interaction and development of economic and political influences.
– Look at the different things that influence and drive economics. For example, people make better weapons to fight and pierce armor. Better armor is created to defend more effectively against improved weapons. And weapons and shields continue to advance as protection of one over the other. Another example is that glassmaker created because wine tastes better in class.
– The book. Mist born, has a magic system based on metals. So an important part of the plot is getting access to those precious metals.
– People develop technology to solve a problem or they follow the philosophy is sound like a good idea at the time.
– Look at the dangers and opportunities provided by world development.
– Book: gun, germs and tools by Jared diamond.
– Know your history. Political and economic systems influence what a protagonist must face in the story. Might be a source of plot.
– Most economics are based on the necessities and what is scarce. If it’s rare. It’s more expensive one good example is spice in the books. Do. Governments are driven by economics. They influence how government will respond to certain circumstance. Another example is that Star Trek the next generation does not have money and so in Deep Space 9, when one of the characters needed a baseball card. They didn’t have money. So they had to rely upon the Ferengi bar owner to get the baseball card. Because up range have money.
– Another example of influence in the world is to the show firefly in the galaxy of planets, the more developed planets, or those that are closer to the central part of the system. For the planets that are positioned further away from the center of government, those planets are less developed in society and order. Another good example is stainless steel rat. In the book of planets ran by robots, everything is provided by robots. In the citizens have to take turns watching the dials to keep the machinery running. So the stainless steel rat had to take a turn as a pretend citizen to get access to the machinery of the world.
– When technology advances man becomes less involved in the production of food and survival needs.
– How to break out the stereotype is to view the world from the people’s perspective of that culture. You see it from their motivations and attitudes.
– Every society has some form of religious observance. Determine what the people have feelings for and faith in.
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