In the words a child can understand:


I heard a wonderful example of how a child came to understand repentance. My sister sent this to me as an email. I want to touch upon using simple language and imagery to teach important principles to young children. I hope these two examples can be of use to youth ministries, family devotional, family causeless and family home evenings.

Example one: Wiping sins away:
A dad is in a car with his child. It is raining.
The child said that the rain is like sin and the wipers are like repentance to wipe the sin away.
What a very wonderful and simple concept yet it defines precisely the usefulness of repentance. And for added learning, we might discuss with the child how our vision is improved in looking at the road because repentance / the wipers have wiped away the distractions of sin.

Example two: Pounding of a heart:
Once an adult touch the front of a child to feel their heart beat. “What is that? The adult asked.
“It’s God knocking,” the child answered.
Some teacher had compared their importance of God in our lives to the pounding of the heart. It was given in simple language but yet made a significant impact on the child’s perceptions

Example three: Jelly bread on the floor:
Sometimes I heard the example of the importance of Chasity being compared to a piece of bread with jelly on it. If someone drops it on the ground the direct and curd gets on the jelly bread and who wants to eat it after it is messed up. Some have compared that to not being chase and our jelly gets messed up and we can be less attractive to someone who might want a marriage with a chase person.

Example four: A storm before the rain bow:
A child may get discouraged about a certain trail they are having. Ask them about how much they like rainbows. Children usually love rain bows.
A parent could point out that we must endure a rain storm before we can see a rain bow. Sometimes we must face challenges to appreciate when we have blessings.

These are just four simple ideas of how a complex concept might be simplified. Please feel free to add some simplified examples you can think of in the comment section of the blog. Thanks

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